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Application Form belektro

Exhibitor portal open from April 2025!

To make stand registration easier for you, our exhibitor portal will be open again from April 2025.

Register as an exhibitor for belektro 2026.

In the exhibitor portal you can:

  • Book stand space online
  • Register co-exhibitors directly, invite them by e-mail or add them later
  • Specify placement preferences
  • Cache booking status and submit at a later date
  • Manage your stand booking and approve your placement

You will also find all relevant documents for your stand registration in the exhibitor portal. Your all-round carefree package in one place!

We are already working on fully integrating further services, such as our current BECO-Webshop, into the new exhibitor portal. So that you will be able to manage all services in one portal in the future.

belektro stand rental calculator
How much did a stand cost at belektro 2024?

To get the rating of the stand rental, please use the belektro calculator.

  • Please choose stand type and submit desired stand size in length and depth. Please note that stand size here refers only to floor space not including any stand construction yet.
  • For the Media Package and ticket flate rate primary exhibitors will be charged with an obligatory fee.
  • The AUMA fee will automatically be included depending on stand size.
Stand shape Early Bird before 15.01.2024 Registration after 15.01.2024
Row stand 159.- EUR/sqm 164.- EUR/sqm
Corner stand 169.- EUR/sqm 174.- EUR/sqm
Peninsula stand 174.- EUR/sqm 181.- EUR/sqm
Island stand 180.- EUR/sqm 186.- EUR/sqm

Still questions?
We have the answers!

For any questions please contact us.
Please feel free to contact us:
+49 (0)30 3038 3600

We look forward to your inquiry.