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Icon Arbeitssicherheitsseminare, weißes Schutzhelm Symbol auf blauem quadratischem Hintergrund

- presenting language German

5.-7.11.2024 | 9:15 - 12:45
Open hall forum - without additional participation fee

Prevention in the electrical trade

Every fourth electrical accident affects trainees. That's why the experts from BG ETEM are offering comprehensive prevention seminars at belektro 2024. Find out what dangers and risks exist in the electrical trade, what protective equipment is necessary and how the “five safety rules” are applied in practice.
A cooperation project between BG ETEM and the E|Handwerke Berlin-Brandenburg to raise awareness of safe working in the electrical trade for all electrical apprentices.

The forum takes place in cooperation with the Berufsgenossenschaft Energie Textil Elektro Medienerzeugnisse and the E|Handwerken Berlin-Brandenburg to provide information for future e-professionals.